I started playing the drums as most teenagers do. Beating the crap out of them basically to see how much annoyance I could get away with. I began to realize after about a year of "banging" away at the drums, that I really did enjoy the release "playing" them gave me. After high school I went to Surry Community College (place of dreams) and eventually met up with a couple of guys who needed a drummer.
I almost literally threw myself at the opportunity to play drums in a real band. Excitement was an understatement. Like most young naive people, I realized very quickly that being in a band meant you had to deal with a lot of drama. After lots of drama, I started a band with my brother. Now armed with my new found experience and a band full of friends, I set off to make a small impact in the music industry. Long story short, we signed some record deals and toured most of America and Canada. It was no small feat for a group of small town boys.
The most important parts of why I even got myself into the general mess of the music industry revealed themselves later in my 10 year jaunt with an alternate reality. I met my wife through being in a band and I have made life-long, deep friendships along the way. I am making what could be a novel very short for a couple of reasons. 1. Nobody really wants to sit through a life history of my short music career and 2. The friendships and relationships I made during this period of my life were worth every minute of the experience that I have no regrets or loose ends that need to be tied up. It was an amazing experience. I also became a fairly decent drummer as well, which could be an added bonus right?