It has been a month since my last blog post. Some pretty awesome things have happened in the month of March, so I will briefly try to list and give some detail to these events.
First off on March 18, my wife and I celebrated the birth of our twins Mr. Liam John Collins and Sophia Catherine Collins. They are healthy and doing very well. Barrett or oldest son (almost 3) has been adjusting well. Sleep is something that will be missed in the coming months, but it is well worth it.
School related, I was honored at the SVRTC meeting at Longwood College as the Patrick County Technology Teacher of the Year. It was a lot of fun and was in great company on the trip.
Running related I am now able to get in at least 3 solid days a week and sometimes more. I can accomplish this by taking Barrett wit me in his jogger. He plays games, looks at books and likes the scenery. I am also adhering to the Galloway Run/Walk/Run method of training. This is where you set up different intervals of running to walking, with a walk break of no more than 1 minute. Taking this small walk breaks allows the lactic acid to drain and you feel fresher later in a run and recover a lot faster. This is important to me now with newborns and a toddler in the house. I can go farther than normal and still feel good at the end. If you are a runner that can get over your ego, or don't really have one, I suggest you try it, especially if you are busy and trying to avoid injury. I was skeptical at first and had to get over my own ego about walking during a run, but am now a firm believer.
Well that about sums March up, I will try to be a little more consistent with the updates, so until next time, keep on keepin' on!
Images: Liam, Sophia, and Tech Award.